maam alice
United Kingdom
Alice Gopez

Coach Alice Gopez is currently based in the UK and armed with extensive nursing and BPO experience, she envisioned harnessing the best of human qualities and incorporating them with the noble teaching profession. The goal is to provide a more personalized approach – focusing on the students’ individual learning needs and fostering a more friendly atmosphere to promote optimized education and camaraderie.

In contrast with most language review centers that concentrate on revenue, Coach Alice and her team prioritize the welfare of students by veering away from outdated and overly formal approach. Instead, we put a premium on quality, time, and effort to holistically develop our students’ skills and confidence. This has enabled us to grow at an unprecedented pace and achieve a strong presence in the learning space over the last four years with remarkable success.

Currently with a team of highly experienced coaches with diverse backgrounds such as healthcare, human resources, marketing communications, and learning and development; Coach Alice Gopez and her team offer an array of OET programs, ranging from a basic access to its online library for self-study, 5 days of fast-tracked intensive training with Coach Alice herself, and a full three- week course that covers everything you need to know about speaking, listening, writing, and reading subtests.

With Coach Alice’s strategic guidance, we guarantee to provide you the education that you need, and the attention you deserve. We make it simple. We keep it human. We operate with heart.


United Kingdom
Coach Jaja
Listening Coach
Coach when
United Kingdom
Coach When
Reading Coach
United Kingdom
Coach Zeke
Listening Coach
United Kingdom
Trisha Jay
Social Media Admin
Social Media Admin
Web Admin
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